Saturday, July 1, 2023

Don't Let The Pain Consume You

 define yourself again

tear off whatever face you are wearing
show your true colors to the world

be happy even through torture
realize it is not only you suffering

you are isolated but not alone
try not to cry all day

spring flowers will come right after the snow
close to his birthday

try to appreciate them
without him writing about them

you know he always remembered
after asking for the names of flowers and trees

embrace his poetry
until you are gone

he will be with you through
every line

Sandy Hazley 6-30-23

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Gate and the Tree

Ambidextrous wooden branches twist in and out

with rooted iron
in a natural work of art

Where the dead meets the living
they mold into Siamese brothers
in a blood fight for survival

Roots squashed in crevices
shove concrete aside
begging for space in the dirt

The inert rusted iron
accepts the intrusion
welcomes the blanket of the trunk

The umbrella of the sheltering leaves
makes a hammock for birds to nest
in it’s protected parts
it is content to be the host

Sandra L. Hazley

The Call to War

The call to war
an eye opener
for those who ignore

The call to war
a jaw dropper
for those that take for granted

The call to war
a  dedication
for those who protest

The call to war
a heartbreak
for those who wait

The call to war
a death sentence

for those who participate

The Bond

It’s three o’clock in the morning
you are beside me
of tits and bicycle wheels

We touch lightly 
at the hip
letting the blood
flow between us

I lie awake for hours
pondering poetry
writing with a lighted pen
before the morning sun
warms the windows

                                  Sandra L. Hazley


Friday, December 18, 2015

That Feeling

Was it the peaceful calm in my backyard sanctuary?
Or talking with the squirrel about nibbling at the new bulbs?

Was it the wind quietly whistling through those white pines?
Or the churchy song of the wind chimes we use to keep the deer away?

Was it the subtle fragrance of the newly opened peonies?
 Or the swaying of that beautiful big bush I just can’t quite name?

Was it the robin calling friends about the newly cut grass?
Or that magnificent hawk cruising by on the third pass?

Or was that you, checking on friends?
The soul that touched my life.

Sandra L.  Hazley

May 29, 2013


the word terminal actually goes into effect at the beginning
the day you are born is the beginning of terminal
it’s just a matter of time

terminal, what a dirty, destructive word
say it, just to see how it feels
go ahead, let it roll off your lips
penetrate your brain
apply it to your mother, your father, kids, friends, lovers

now, imagine hearing your doctor say it
wow, what a wake up call

what does it mean?
it means term ending,
limit, coming to the end of what?
life, that’s what, meaning we each have a term
and yours is coming up real soon.

well, a terminal is also an electrical connection point
beginning of juice

do you think terminal could be a connection
that starts a new beginning
turns the lights back on
sets you up for the next round?

I guess you’ll have to figure that one out,
I’m still wrestling with the words
“terminal, my condition is terminal”

Sandra L. Hazley

Teddy Bear Blues

Cuddle me
like I cuddled my teddy
hold me
stroke me

My days of fake fur independence
are gone

I need the real thing
and I need it now

Sandra L. Hazley