Friday, December 18, 2015

That Feeling

Was it the peaceful calm in my backyard sanctuary?
Or talking with the squirrel about nibbling at the new bulbs?

Was it the wind quietly whistling through those white pines?
Or the churchy song of the wind chimes we use to keep the deer away?

Was it the subtle fragrance of the newly opened peonies?
 Or the swaying of that beautiful big bush I just can’t quite name?

Was it the robin calling friends about the newly cut grass?
Or that magnificent hawk cruising by on the third pass?

Or was that you, checking on friends?
The soul that touched my life.

Sandra L.  Hazley

May 29, 2013


the word terminal actually goes into effect at the beginning
the day you are born is the beginning of terminal
it’s just a matter of time

terminal, what a dirty, destructive word
say it, just to see how it feels
go ahead, let it roll off your lips
penetrate your brain
apply it to your mother, your father, kids, friends, lovers

now, imagine hearing your doctor say it
wow, what a wake up call

what does it mean?
it means term ending,
limit, coming to the end of what?
life, that’s what, meaning we each have a term
and yours is coming up real soon.

well, a terminal is also an electrical connection point
beginning of juice

do you think terminal could be a connection
that starts a new beginning
turns the lights back on
sets you up for the next round?

I guess you’ll have to figure that one out,
I’m still wrestling with the words
“terminal, my condition is terminal”

Sandra L. Hazley

Teddy Bear Blues

Cuddle me
like I cuddled my teddy
hold me
stroke me

My days of fake fur independence
are gone

I need the real thing
and I need it now

Sandra L. Hazley


Taking the Train

Clouds skim the sky

with sorrow and pain
and I was there
when the city lights
reflected in your eyes

Train spews steam
upon a grimacing moon
lurking in the background
like a predator in the night
waiting for prey

You and I
once red hot lovers
surpassing commitment
lives shattered at our feet

People swarm like bees
you turn away
I speak with no sound
the train opens wide
swallowing you forever

Sandra L. Hazley

At Sunrise

sun slips into the room through slats
in thin lines
to whisper over the dust you can see
but not touch
the light crests his naked body like a halo

if you watch carefully
you can see his eyes move rapidly
under the skin film and lash line
        wrestling with waking or tracking the frames of a dream

silky blond hair cascades the pillow
framing the boyish face, so innocent 
in sleep
you want to touch him

bury your face in the crevice of his chest
inhale the sleepy smell of him
knowing his arms would encircle you
        when he moves

you slide into the cocoon
flesh against flesh

His breath on the back of your neck
sends messages to the place where
his maleness indents you
        finding its niche

you need to stay
till the moon mist crests his naked body


Stand – Don’t sit – Don’t slouch – Don’t crouch
            Get off the Couch – Out of the house
            Get off your ass – Take a class

Energize – Exercise – Get a rise – Take a ride
            Don’t hide – Give me five – Stay alive

Stand tall – Don’t fall – Don’t crawl – Get on the Ball
            Against the wall – For the long haul

Stand up – Don’t lie – Don’t cry – You’ll get by – You can fly
            Just don’t die

You’ve got it

 Regroup -- Recoup – Do the loop – Change – Rearrange
            Don’t be afraid to be strange

Sandra L. Hazley      

Soul Mate


Millions of memories washed over me

when I heard your voice
twenty-four years – forever

I’ve thought of you so often
You have visited me in my sleep
always in my heart

I’ve always loved you, you know
Not like my love for him,
my safe love, comfortable love

No, it has always been an everlasting,
childlike, starry-eyed love,
lilly white, spiritual, no pain love

Twenty-four years will do that
Cleanse everything, make it sterile
dumping the bad holding the good

Like you are still you and I am still me
But, we’re not

Sandra L. Hazley

April, 2003


I can’t believe you left us behind
overflowing with memories
of your life and spirit

we have buried all of your grandparents
now here we are again,
faced with that funeral home
the soft talk
decisions, decisions

and you, our child, the first part of a pair,
our daughter, our friend, our heartache
have left all of us empty

the last time we were together
we kissed goodbye as usual
I can still feel your body in my arms
the strength of our love

I take solace
knowing you spoke to your father last
how could we have ever known
these were our final good-byes?

 Sandra L. Hazley


Smudging to Honor Mother Earth

pungent sage smoke
waved by dead bird feathers
over brightly clad war dancers
fancy dancers
warning evil spirits not to tread

left over native americans
intending to hold onto whatever
ancestry we haven’t trampled on
or stripped them of

ceremoniously backing out of sacred circles
honoring mother earth
with hands raised
just giving us just a taste of
what we could have saved

Sandra L. Hazley

Friday, December 4, 2015

Simple Dream

You called my name in the night
I turned
reaching into the void  
to comfort you

The sound of your voice
off the walls of my dream

If you returned
it would only reduce the space
in the bed

Sandra L. Hazley

Roads of Time

Windshield wipers
tap tap tapping
like a metronome
going mad

Roads to nowhere
flying by
at mach speed

Cows under trees
blending together
paint massive
brown and green dots
on hillsides

They watch us
for a moment
but we are gone
in a blur

Consumed in clouds
and paradoxical thoughts
as we race to get there

Parallel roads
converge to an end
forcing us to disembark
before our time

Sandra L. Hazley            

Recycling of Souls - For Dawn Spagnoli 1963 -2004


Recycling of Souls

I believe in reincarnation
life after life
something like
a recycling of souls program

I think we can be recycled often
reborn again over and over
through the years
keeping some concept of ourselves each time

so who we are today
holds just a piece of who we were
a hundred years ago
who we will be next

what I am sure of
is that I will hold your hand again

                                                                        Sandra L. Hazley
                                                        For My Daughter
                                                        Dawn Anita Spagnoli

                                                        12-11-63      10-13-04

Recycling of Souls


I believe in reincarnation
life after life
something like
a recycling of souls program

I think we can be recycled often
reborn over and over
through the years
keeping some concept of ourselves each time

so who we are today
could hold a piece of who we were
a hundred years ago
and who knows, maybe we were lovers then too

Sandra L. Hazley

Reading of the Names

The boy-girl does not know
he has the best of all worlds
physical anatomy makes a world ruler
with a heart of an angel
the looks of David

He can not ignore the perils of his life
they are glaringly real
on this subject he and I
do not speak in riddles
or pretend

Danger surrounds him
but little red ribbons are a banner
not a solution
                   not a cure

He often reminisces of friends passed
but, here, the highlights of their lives
are  lovingly stitched into quilted blankets
covering DC like
                   a dirge gone rampant

There are no merry songs played here
just the soft, quiet  of names whispered
and shouted
                   at his ears

A sea of glittering candles
illuminating the dark
will not bring one back

I can not get into his mind here
he is closed for the season

Sandra L. Hazley

Rape in the Forrest

the loaded 18 wheeler grinds to a halt beside me
i swear i can hear groans coming from the great bleeding cargo
strapped tightly to its back
stately oaks with such dignity, sliced down long before their time
a screaming testament to how we treat the blood of our earth

there is a lonely piece of land left back there somewhere
with underground roots on their  way to nowhere
our land has been raped of shelter and food
all of the trees in the forest are weeping silently
as they watch their fallen comrades roll by

Sandra Hazley

Pittsburgh Evolution

Typical abandoned old soot grime steel mills
sulfur wafting through Braun’s bread 
on the way home from the store when I was ten
The loaves were usually marred with alley dirt
always a few slices short
Staples for the long walk home from school

Shopping trips to Bogg’s and Buhl’s and Diamond Market
hanging on to bags and sweaty palms
lest I lost my way in the crowds of sale mongers
or missed a step on the streetcar
with its scary electric arm
protruding the sky for its life source

Herr’s Island hoofaroma stunk up the whole East Street Valley
with the souls of the slaughtered given way to big house fever
and carbon monoxide spewing SUVs in the morning rat race
and Bogg’s and Buhl’s never had a chance
in the tear ‘em down, build ‘em up society

Now, city strip paints pictures of Asian chicken sticks
and bagels piled high on your plate on a lazy Saturday morning.
          You and I will never know half the stories
          and the dust will never settle in this city

Sandra L. Hazley

Past the Past Time

Past the Past Time

Washed out blue jean memories
when passing the plate for my trespasses
always seems to come up empty

Friends and acquaintances come and go
and come again
to dredge up the what ever from the past
some is good enough to remember
some is better left behind

Do you really believe half of the stuff
that happened in those years
or is the whole thing a pleasant pseudo dream
that keeps reoccurring

Dead people show their faces in your sleep now
to remind you of how it was
they give you no escape except for no-doze
or caffeine

I’m embracing those times though
holding onto them like precious jewels
I think it’s all we can get from them now

Sandra L. Hazley
January 2, 2006

One Night Stand

You looked at me
          with a continental smile
I recoiled into oblivion

Wishing you would disappear
with the sunrise

Sandra L. Hazley

Never Ending A Love

Even as you left, I loved you

                   more than sun, moon
                   more than life

Two people, you and I meant to be
                   not meant to be
                   for a time or forever

Lessons always learned
                   you love, lose
                   not lose

We win with memories
                   precious, yearning
                   haunting memories

You sculpted my frame
                   I loved, learned

Sandra L. Hazley

My System

here on my cluttered desk
everything has a space
or a place

piles of this
piles of that
all jockeying for position
to be first
to get done

computer disks
scream out for names
and when I remember
what is on them
I will name them

you call in the midst
of pen sampling
a most important job
as hundreds are dry
and must be discarded


I am aloof
you are breaking
my train of thought
which pile writes
which pile doesn’t

I will have to start again

I tell you
I can not find the gas bill
you mention I could clean off my desk
you are sure it is there somewhere

I am sure
you know nothing
about keeping a neat desk

Sandra L. Hazley

my god

if there is in fact a god
then he is an all forgiving god
just like everyone says
and he will forgive me
for not spending my time
                   worshiping him

he will understand i am working on making
myself the best person i can be

and, if there isn’t a god
                   i was right all along

Sandra L. Hazley


There you stood

words cutting
       like a knife
slicing through your lips

Hatred flashing eyes
piercing my skin

Lies upon lies
       hitting my ashen face
like a raging windstorm
stripping me bare

Sandra L. Hazley


Laced With Arsenic

I suspect you died a slow, painful death in another life

presumably poisoned in your prime

The look was in your eyes when Marsha Mason
took all those people down in that play

Methodical      death       
by    rat   poison

Your soup seems tainted now
Your milk a little sour

You watch me in the kitchen
“Don’t poison me” tripping over your tongue
as you wait for the inevitable

“Not to worry, Baby
I have never been one to waste so much time”

Sandra L. Hazley