Friday, November 27, 2015

It's Your Kiss

Hardly unlike the soft dew laden
morning rose petal
lips that touch mine
to the depths of my soul
fill me
coerce me to reach out

To touch the newness of love
to explore feelings running rampant
deep, deeper than thoughts
enlightening feelings of perfection
sure this will endure

Sandra L. Hazley


In the Shadows

In the corner of the room
there is a woman
she hovers
like a ghost

Smiling at her effect
on the two of us

We are never alone
she invades
even the smallest
of  privacies

She is obsolete
a byproduct of rejection
challenging obsession
as an anchor of the past

there is no validity
to her smile

She should disappear
as time passes
resembling mist
burned off by morning sun

Your eyes seeing her likeness
unwillingly follow – helpless

Sometimes my she-cat intervenes
with slanted green eyes
I light the way
to confrontation

She giggles
I hear her out loud

Perhaps I could ignore her
were she not thrown across
the stage at me
when least expected

Sandra L. Hazley

In the City

horns blowing
sirens screaming
swooping up the wounded

daily affairs
of city life
filled with indigent
and homeless

cups rattling
nowhere to go
nowhere to hide
blemished lives

drinking booze
popping, shooting
snorting utopian dreams
trying to escape

Sandra L. Hazley

In Search for World Peach

I’ve been on the bus from hell
en route to DC on a snowy 10 degree day
with a rented Greyhound driver from California
who hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in years
and didn’t know how to get from Pittsburgh to DC
(we bought him a map at a rest stop)

Even before it started I protested the war on Iraq in NYC
in a march with no legal permits
lack of a permit couldn’t stop this movement
hundreds of thousands merged in feeder marches from every direction
it was exhilarating
millions around the world were protesting in unison

In my hometown on the day the war started, the police got ugly
pepper spraying into the eyes of peace people
who had the audacity to disagree with the United States government
They were children... our new generation taking a stand on what they believe

My rainbow peace flag is tattered and worn
It’s been through a war of its own
Wind ice sleet snow and it’s not over yet

The war is almost a year old now
was declared over many months ago
but our men and women are being killed daily
we never hear the real truth about Iraq casualties
and haven’t found any of those weapons of mass destruction
we heard so much about

It’s hard to believe the Bushites don’t get the picture
What are they missing
What color should we paint it in

Maybe RED
Yea, that’s it RED

 Sandra L. Hazley

I Am the Other Woman

I roll over and touch 
the side of the bed, where you lay
                                                    when you stay

even empty, i sense your body
envision your dark haired contrast
on the white pillow case
where I bury my face, to catch your scent

                                                    before sleep

i accept your absence, from many days past
waiting in the wings of some great play
where the first act

                                                    never ends


 Sandra L. Hazley

Humane Society Dog

She’s walking me down Beech Avenue

past the stone houses.
The ones with the cultured mini gardens
you can’t pee on.

I’m not tugging, I’m not pulling.
CAN’T you see?

Look at me!  I’m an Akita!
I walk so proud.
I’m an Akita.
DON’T you see?

I’ll strut my stuff for you.
I can sit, I tell you!
Just ask me.  I’ll do it!

Help me out here,
the walls are closing in back there.
No space is big enough with locked gates.

I don’t deserve to be there,
I am innocent.
WON’T you see?

I need to be at your side,
walking, playing.
Your loyal servant.

Please, come to get me.
I am waiting.
I’ll be a good dog

                   Sandra L. Hazley

High Heeled Shoes

High Heeled Shoes

when you walk
they go
            tap tap
                         tap tap

the men in heat

they know the sound
            of legs
                         in high heeled shoes

Sandy Hazley, 2005



Birthdays that have come and gone
are secret treasures
of the heart

Revered memories of laughter and smiles
and tons of birthday cake
consumed with gusto

Today, you will remember forever
today is a celebration
of your life

Shared with us
the people who love you

Sandra L. Hazley


Down This Path

Down this path,
I have searched for my center balance
in places you would never believe.

I’ve traveled this path
for my own reasons, of my own accord,
making decisions at forks in the road
merely by the position of the sun.

Down this path,
I’ve become a student of love
and an expert on loss
as I notched my experiences
on the learning curve of life.

Down this path,
I’ve planted flowers, given birth
and released my parents to the earth.
I’ve soaked up sunshine, washed in rain
and written things no one will ever read.

Down this path,
I hope I have touched you as you walked by
and made a difference in your life,
as you have in mine

If you should follow me down this path,
it could be a dubious decision.
I know neither where it came from
nor where it leads.

Sandy Hazley, 2002

Deja 'Vu

I watched your hands
sliding gently over the rear fender of my car
and experienced such an intense deja’ vu
I remembered your hands sliding over fenders,
hoods, doors and me…

when we were together
I watched those hands
beautiful strong gentle hands
hands that felt so much more than anyone

now I wonder if your hands
much older but unchanged
would feel the difference in my body
feel the deserved wrinkles aging skin
sagging breasts and face

could you ever see me as the woman you had loved
changed only on the outside with the heart still intact
or would you remember me in a different way

maybe if you looked at my hands
you could have a deja’vu of your own

Sandy Hazley, 2005

Courtship at the Water Cooler or the Hit and Miss Reproduction of the Pigeon

little beady eyes skim over her curves
as she bends into the fountain floor
sucking up water
as it gurgles from the flowing spigot

he wants her
but, in her little pigeon mind
she just wants water
and flies away quenched

              he watches her departure

he bends into the fountain floor
delicately pecking at the porcelain
amused by his reflection

in his little pigeon mind
he is planning the strategy
for his next great courtship

Sandy Hazley



Throat constricts
cutting off the last breath
In the hot smelly room
with closed doors

Too many bodies
cigarettes puffing
filling scarred lungs

Back to back
butt to butt
belly to belly

Beating our heads
against the walls
trying to make sense
of what is happening
on the outside

Windows open
swooshing in fresh air
people sucking
like fish out of water

Thinking the air is
exclusively theirs
oblivious to others
not wanting to share

Sweat still oozes
from the screaming pores
of the paranoid

Sandra L. Hazley

Civilization During the Iraq War

“We” are a civilized nation

I’ve heard that somewhere

I wonder what civilized really is

“We” are at war with a country
undeserving of  the wrath of our government

“We” are sitting back in our easy chairs
watching the relentless biased newscasts
“We” listen to the lies
the bullshit
the assumptions

the dead numbers going up daily

Along with our fallen soldiers,
who are our brothers and sisters,
fathers, mothers and children of Iraq  
are dying

It was said that “We”
are so fortunate to get our dead bodies back
packaged nicely in wooden boxes

while “They”
are scavenging for body parts
so they can mourn their loved ones

“We” are the civilized ones
“We” are the super power
“We” can rule the world

“We” are working on it
One oil producing country at a time

Sandra L. Hazley                                                                          

City Poet

Upon the death of the man
the poets weep

for the hip hop beat
of  Michael Christian Robinson’s
soul filled life
that will never be heard in this city again

Though the destiny
of his verbiage is uncertain
the survivors press on
spouting words
with no refrain, no excuses

Sandra L. Hazley

Chasing Turkeys in Ronovo


Those wild turkeys never knew what hit themwhen I leapt from the car
squeezing off shot after shot with the Minolta

Little turkey heads going every which way
silently, through luscious fern cover
disappearing in seconds
only to cautiously sneak back reuniting family

A sentry crows raucous call splits the quiet
when we walk down roads where
deer watch with timid interest
so happy to be in the woods
until you mention the bear, that is

Sandy Hazley 

Bad News

you stood across the room
at the top of the stairs
face ragged weeping

i asked what was wrong

you said “my mother passed
in the night”

the words hung in the air between us

it took an eternity to reach you
to embrace your pain.

Sandra L. Hazley


Al-Qaida – 9/11
Al-Qaida – 9/11
9/11 – Al-Qaida – 9/11
9/11 – Al-Qaida – Hussein
Hussein – Al-Qaida – 9/11
9/11 – Al-Qaida – Hussein
Hussein – 9/11
Hussein – 9/11
Every speech
Every talk
Every lie, every lie
Tell the children of Iraq how you feel Mr. Bush

 Sandra L. Hazley

Across the Border

French, Italian, Arabic, Chinese

I can’t understand a word
in this melting pot of faces

People shoving like Manhattan
at rush hour
buying it all to stretch
the American dollar
but... they’ve abandoned the homeless
who sleep on business doorsteps

We are like voyeurs
taken by the swirl of skin color
shapes of eyes, noses, lips
chubby children with high cheek bones
white teeth smiles and silken black hair
run over our feet on their quest
for swings and slides

Wide assed women walk by
dreaming prophetic dreams
of brown eyed off-spring
swinging hips with a Marley beat
and the beautiful lady under the arches
says “We are all one People”
in a heavy Jamaican accent

Congested trails marked for safety
ignored by free wheeling dogs
on the run by the beach
crash into cyclists
sending them tumbling
like Japanese acrobats

Oblivious to the scene
Canada geese
honk out their national anthem
escaping south to Florida
like the natives in Mercedes

Sandra L. Hazley              

On the Street

A homeless man flashes me a toothy smile
It’s early in the morning
There are 20’s in my wallet
I contemplate giving a 20 to this man
How he would use it?
Can I do it?
He is hungry.

I’m beginning to liken homeless men to stray cats
 Multiplying in the city
Showing up on doorsteps
Where someone will take notice
Wanting a touch or a pat on the head
But mostly wishing for breakfast

Sandy Hazley

April 6, 2013


there is this cat
i know it is my grandmother’s

she watches me
everywhere i go
she is blind in one eye

so was my grandmother
bitten by a dog no less

i didn’t always have this cat
she came to me on the street

i fed her
wouldn’t you?

then i noticed the resemblance
to my grandmother
she yells at me
and my partner is allergic

                                                          Sandra L. Hazley